My Grandmother was Stella Holland Smith. Grandma was very strict with the girls. She didn't want our hair cut, we weren't allowed to wear shorts, and we weren't supposed to notice if a woman was pregnant and if we did, we weren't supposed to mention it or even know what it meant. Grandma wouldn't even wear a dress with any red in it, when I was growing up, because only women of the night wore red. She relaxed a little later in life and started wearing more colorful clothing.
Grandma came from a large family. Two of her sisters had their own churches. Aunt Rosie had a church in Stockton, CA, and Aunt Nellie had a church in Poplar, CA, (my home town).
I attended Baptist and Pentecostal Churches. My Grandpa Smith's family were mostly Baptist, but Grandpa didn't go to Church. My Grandma's family were Pentecostal. I was raised more in the Pentecostal faith. Although, if you ask me, I can't see a big difference. But then again, I'm not a religious scholar.
Anyway, we weren't supposed to do anything that was fun, like going to dances, movies, etc. Women weren't supposed to wear pants or makeup. Women weren't supposed to do anything that might make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex either.
I think you all might be getting the picture. But, I had a little Mama, that liked to break the rules, so she didn't enforce any of that. I guess you could say, Rosie Mae Smith Johnson was a little Hell Raisin' Holy Roller.
Even with being brought up in such a rigid religious environment, I still have a very strong faith that has helped me through many bad situations throughout my life.
I also must tell you that I had the best Grandparents ever. They gave my sister and me so much love, I don't know where I would be today if I had not had them in my life.
Speaking of Hell Raisers. Since John and Charity were my 4th Great Grandparents, they were my Mom's 3rd Great Grandparents. Oh and here is the good part! They were my Grandma Stella Holland Smith's, Aunt (Reverend) Rosille Holland Snow's, and Aunt (Reverend) Nellie Holland Snow Ozner's 2nd Great Grandparents.
Oh, I almost forgot. Their other sister, Argie Alice Holland Simpson Robinson, used to tell me all the time when I was growing up, that the devil was going to get me. I don't know why she would tell me that. I might be playing outside or going around in circles getting dizzy, and all of a sudden, Aunt Argie would be telling me that the devil was going to get me. She may be right about that since I can't help but enjoy the story I'm about to tell you.
Below are two photos. The first photo is of Aunt Nellie and my Grandma. I did think that the other person was Aunt Argie but it isn't. I think the other woman is their sister in law.
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Nellie Holland, Stella Holland, and Sister in law, I think. |
There are many tales, and family legend surrounding Charity Brewer and John Hollon. If you google their names, you will come up with tons of info. Not all of it is true, however, some of it is. Several book articles and newspapers articles have been written about them.Lets get started. First let me tell you a little about John Hollon and Charity Brewer each.
John's surname is found on records spelled as Holland, Hollon, and Hollin. John Hollon, my 4th Great Grandpa, was born April 24, 1777 in Montgomery County, VA. That part of the county is now Grayson.
There are several different versions, according to family legend, John was betrothed to Charity Brewer, who was born September 26, 1777, in what is now Ashe County, North Carolina. It is just across the border from Grayson County.
It is believed that Charity was the daughter of Ambrose Brewer, (she named a son Ambrose, so I believe this to be true) who was the brother of Lewis Brewer of Grayson County. John Holland's aunt Agatha married Lewis Brewer. There is a good chance that John and Charity knew one another as children.
John ordered a survey of land in Grayson County in October, 1799, on Middle Fork Creek, but withdrew the survey. Instead, he went to the Kentucky wilderness to stake a claim. He planned to return and marry Charity.
When John did not return at the appointed time, family convinced Charity that he was dead. She married another man, with the surname of Maynard. They were married long enough for Charity to give birth to a child. When John Hollon returned alive and well, she left her child and husband behind to go to Kentucky with him.
Their home site was in present day Wolfe County, Kentucky. Charity gave birth to the first white child in the region about 1804. One of the family legends says that Rebecca was born in the cave on Holly Creek, since their cabin was not finished yet. Please see photo of the Cave below.
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Cave where John and Charity lived while cabin was being built and where their first child was born |
Here is the Scandalous Part
A marriage record from Floyd County, Kentucky, shows that John Hollon and Charity Mains (should have been Maynard) were married May 21, 1820, by Daniel Williams. This means that their first eight children were born out of wedlock. Charity may have still been married to her first husband. Furthermore, she was about seven months pregnant with their ninth child, John Jr., at the time of their marriage.
John and Charity are honored as the founders of Wolfe County in the County Historical Society in Campton, Wolfe County, Kentucky.
John and Charity are buried together in the Hollon Cemetery on top of a hill in Hollonville, Wolfe County, Kentucky. They are buried in cairns which is an unusual design in Kentucky.
Story about Charity's First Child
Timothy J Barron proved that the legend of Charity having another child that she left behind is true. His DNA matched with a descendant of Mahalia Maynard Brewer, Charity's first born that she had with her first husband, Shadrack Maynard. My DNA also matched with a descendant of Mahalia's at a later time.The articles written to date....
1958 Book article about John Hollon & Charity: "Hollon and Related Families in Wolfe County" written by Clay Hollon, appeared in "Early and Modern History of Wolfe County" pages 115-116
1958 Book article about John Hollon & Charity: "The First Hollon to Settle in Wolfe County" written by Capt. James I. Hollon, appeared in "Early and Modern History of Wolfe County", page 128
1961 Book article about John Hollon & Charity: written by Clay Hollon, appeared in "Fragments of Knowlege from Around the Globe"
1967 Newspaper Article about John Hollon & Charity: "Cave House on Holly Creek Birthplace of First white Child Born in Wolfe County" written by Steve Swango, appeared in unconfirmed newspaper.
1979 Book article about John Hollon & Charity: appeared in "The Pence Genealogy: Early Pioneers of Wolfe County, Kentucky including Pences, Hollons, Brewers, Banks, Tomlinsons and many others and who was who," by Sally Singleton page 15
1989 Newspaper article about John Hollon & Charity: "The Saga of Charity Brewer" written by Athelene (Jackie) Genge of Spooner, Wisconsin appeared on March 3, 1989 in the Wolfe County News from Wolfe County, Kentucky.
1995 Book article about John Hollon & Charity: "John Hollon and Charity Brewer" written by Sandra Lake Lassen, appeared in "Bicentennial Heritage Grayson County, Virginia" page 246
So there you have it. Charity and John created quite a stir, and were a scandalous couple. I'm not exactly sure when the Hollands got religion. Maybe John and Charity had religion but I haven't read anything about it, if they did.
I loved this story and, as my husband had ancestors in Grayson County, VA and Ashe County, NC at the same time, it's possible that some of them knew John and Charity Hollon.
ReplyDeleteI am a direct decent of John hollon he was the father of my grandfather I'd live to know more about my family as far as I knew I was the last of my name the direct line of John amd charity
DeleteWhat is Tom Jones to you? I loved your family history genealogy
ReplyDeleteCould have been that they thought different than say Revolutionary War fellow soldiers like Stephen Austin(uncle of Stephen Austin of Texas)and wanted to escape the slavery thing when the went Baptist.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Hollon fought with the Elk Creek Dist. Militia with Stephen the Uncle of Tx Stephen they went Slavery in Tx and not in Ky. Moses Austin of Austinville Va was of the Texas line.
DeleteI am a descendant of Charity Brewer also, and she too is my 4th great grandmother. The daughter she left, Mahalia, married Willis Brewer and they settled in Wolfe County also and reunited with her mother Charity on one of those gatherings you spoke of. One of Mahalia and Willis's children was a daughter named Hannah Brewer who married Robert Taylor, my gg grandparents. Robert and Hannah had a son named Judge Elliott Taylor my great grandfather (Who was born on Holly Creek) who married Anna Doty (Bowman) who had a daughter Barshia -MARIE- Taylor, my grandmother. I know all this from family history and I graduated from Wolfe County High School so I am pretty close to where it all happened. The only thing I can add is when John and Charity returned to Kentucky they lived in the cave because the house John had built had burned. Not sure why it burned, lightning strike, Indians or whatever, but it burned. It was so late in the year there was no way they could have built another house before winter, so they lived in the cave until the weather was such that they could build a new house. I know the farm my great aunt (My grandmother's sister) and uncle lived on, about a couple of miles from me had about 5 unmarked graves and NOBODY knew who they were, UNTIL a couple recently retired bought the farm. It turned out the wife (Charlotte) her father built the house. One day we were talking about those unmarked graves and WOW she knew who they were, it was her great grandparents. One of which was her great grandmother Elizabeth (Brewer) Lawson. Elizabeth was another daughter of Willis and Mahalia's and a sister to my GG grandmother Hannah. So we found out we were cousins, pretty neat. I have a cousin who lived in California (At the time) on a visit back here in Kentucky had heard of the story of Charity and John and he and his wife went to Holly Creek to visit their gravesite. He was totally unaware who Charity was and was completely dumbfounded when I told him Charity was his GGG grandmother.
ReplyDeleteCharity Hollon was my 3rd great grandmother, I descended from William and Arkansas Candus Hollon's son William Preston and Martha Hollon, their son, my great uncle "Bill" William Preston Hollon (1863 -1962) lived with us after his wife Melissa Jane died, in Ohio from 1949 -1953 He knew Charity (his great grandmother) as he grew up in Wolfe County, Kentucky. He was 11 years old when she died, he attended her graveside service where she was buried.
DeleteJohn Charity hollon was my great grandmother and grandfather the father and mother of my grandfather I've never got to meet any of my family I thought I was alone here I'm seeing I still have not only family but alot of them I never had been told of anything about us
DeleteI didn't know we was of the 1st 1000 I didn't know Wolfe co was hollonsville I followed our family all the way back to John Thomas holland 1st duke of exeter he looked just like my dad and alot like me
DeleteI am a descendant of Charity Brewer also, and she too is my 4th great grandmother. The daughter she left, Mahalia, married Willis Brewer and they settled in Wolfe County also and reunited with her mother Charity on one of those gatherings you spoke of. One of Mahalia and Willis's children was a daughter named Hannah Brewer who married Robert Taylor, my gg grandparents. Robert and Hannah had a son named Judge Elliott Taylor my great grandfather (Who was born on Holly Creek) who married Anna Doty (Bowman) who had a daughter Barshia -MARIE- Taylor, my grandmother. I know all this from family history and I graduated from Wolfe County High School so I am pretty close to where it all happened. The only thing I can add is when John and Charity returned to Kentucky they lived in the cave because the house John had built had burned. Not sure why it burned, lightning strike, Indians or whatever, but it burned. It was so late in the year there was no way they could have built another house before winter, so they lived in the cave until the weather was such that they could build a new house. I know the farm my great aunt (My grandmother's sister) and uncle lived on, about a couple of miles from me had about 5 unmarked graves and NOBODY knew who they were, UNTIL a couple recently retired bought the farm. It turned out the wife (Charlotte) her father built the house. One day we were talking about those unmarked graves and WOW she knew who they were, it was her great grandparents. One of which was her great grandmother Elizabeth (Brewer) Lawson. Elizabeth was another daughter of Willis and Mahalia's and a sister to my GG grandmother Hannah. So we found out we were cousins, pretty neat. I have a cousin who lived in California (At the time) on a visit back here in Kentucky had heard of the story of Charity and John and he and his wife went to Holly Creek to visit their gravesite. He was totally unaware who Charity was and was completely dumbfounded when I told him Charity was his GGG grandmother.
ReplyDeleteI am a descendant of Charity Brewer also, and she too is my 4th great grandmother. The daughter she left, Mahalia, married Willis Brewer and they settled in Wolfe County also and reunited with her mother Charity on one of those gatherings you spoke of. One of Mahalia and Willis's children was a daughter named Hannah Brewer who married Robert Taylor, my gg grandparents. Robert and Hannah had a son named Judge Elliott Taylor my great grandfather (Who was born on Holly Creek) who married Anna Doty (Bowman) who had a daughter Barshia -MARIE- Taylor, my grandmother. I know all this from family history and I graduated from Wolfe County High School so I am pretty close to where it all happened. The only thing I can add is when John and Charity returned to Kentucky they lived in the cave because the house John had built had burned. Not sure why it burned, lightning strike, Indians or whatever, but it burned. It was so late in the year there was no way they could have built another house before winter, so they lived in the cave until the weather was such that they could build a new house. I know the farm my great aunt (My grandmother's sister) and uncle lived on, about a couple of miles from me had about 5 unmarked graves and NOBODY knew who they were, UNTIL a couple recently retired bought the farm. It turned out the wife (Charlotte) her father built the house. One day we were talking about those unmarked graves and WOW she knew who they were, it was her great grandparents. One of which was her great grandmother Elizabeth (Brewer) Lawson. Elizabeth was another daughter of Willis and Mahalia's and a sister to my GG grandmother Hannah. So we found out we were cousins, pretty neat. I have a cousin who lived in California (At the time) on a visit back here in Kentucky had heard of the story of Charity and John and he and his wife went to Holly Creek to visit their gravesite. He was totally unaware who Charity was and was completely dumbfounded when I told him Charity was his GGG grandmother.
ReplyDeleteI am a descendant of Charity Brewer also, and she too is my 4th great grandmother. The daughter she left, Mahalia, married Willis Brewer and they settled in Wolfe County also and reunited with her mother Charity on one of those gatherings you spoke of. One of Mahalia and Willis's children was a daughter named Hannah Brewer who married Robert Taylor, my gg grandparents. Robert and Hannah had a son named Judge Elliott Taylor my great grandfather (Who was born on Holly Creek) who married Anna Doty (Bowman) who had a daughter Barshia -MARIE- Taylor, my grandmother. I know all this from family history and I graduated from Wolfe County High School so I am pretty close to where it all happened. The only thing I can add is when John and Charity returned to Kentucky they lived in the cave because the house John had built had burned. Not sure why it burned, lightning strike, Indians or whatever, but it burned. It was so late in the year there was no way they could have built another house before winter, so they lived in the cave until the weather was such that they could build a new house. I know the farm my great aunt (My grandmother's sister) and uncle lived on, about a couple of miles from me had about 5 unmarked graves and NOBODY knew who they were, UNTIL a couple recently retired bought the farm. It turned out the wife (Charlotte) her father built the house. One day we were talking about those unmarked graves and WOW she knew who they were, it was her great grandparents. One of which was her great grandmother Elizabeth (Brewer) Lawson. Elizabeth was another daughter of Willis and Mahalia's and a sister to my GG grandmother Hannah. So we found out we were cousins, pretty neat. I have a cousin who lived in California (At the time) on a visit back here in Kentucky had heard of the story of Charity and John and he and his wife went to Holly Creek to visit their gravesite. He was totally unaware who Charity was and was completely dumbfounded when I told him Charity was his GGG grandmother.
ReplyDeleteHello cousin.
DeleteI'm also a decendant of charity and John Hollin. My name is James Centers. I was born in Lawrenceburg Indiana. Anyone in this family can contact me
ReplyDeleteMy name is Arthur Neeley John hollon was my Third great grand father.My mother was Carrie Hollon born in Wolfe county to.Dock Hollon and Rosa Shockey
ReplyDeleteHello cousin
DeleteHello Arthur, I'm Heather Harris. Betty, my Mamaw, was Carrie's sister, and my father Daryl is your first cousin. I've been tasked with searching for Mamaw's family as she's recently passed away and sadly, I think she may have been the last surviving child of Dock & Rosie. If you want to reach out to me my email is If you have any information about Carrie or family photos, please reach out, I know my dad talked about her fondly.
DeleteHello Family I've Never Met!
ReplyDeleteI've been tasked with digging into my Hollon family history as my Mamaw, Betty Hollon, daughter of Dock N Hollon, son of William Hollon, etc...has recently passed away. I've never met any of her family, as she was quite a hermit, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that she didn't spring from a faery ring, but instead we have a large and prolific family. Thanks for all your research!
Hi Helen,My grandparents were Smith and from the Hollon side, we could be related.I joint the myheritage to try to find family.
ReplyDeleteWe could be related. I have to know more about you to know if we are or not.
ReplyDeleteI am descendent of John and Charity. William "Black Bill was my 3rd gg then Sam then Everett. I believe John Jr was my 4th gg.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Emily Franklin maiden name Holland. Andrew Jackson Holland is also my 3rd great grandfather! So glad I found this information, can't wait to share it with my family!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you found this info also.
DeleteJohn and charity are my 4th great on my dad's side..and 5th on my mom's...I live 3 miles from the past it and the cave everyday....
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to meet you cousin Freddie!
ReplyDeleteI’d always heard stories as a kid & my cousin has traced our lineage in depth. I’m so glad I found this blog! This best I can tell John would’ve been my 5th great grandfather. John’s great grandson Taylor Hollan is buried in Summerfield, OK. Also raised & passed there are my great grandparents William McKenzie Hollan & Nancie Hollan along with my Grandparents Hobbie & Clara Hollan & my father Clonie Joe Hollan. Summerfield, Oklahoma will be mine as well as my husband’s final resting place someday. I hope to make it to Kentucky soon to see where my family hails from. Thanks & have a great day! Tara Jo Hollan-Jones of Greenwood, AR
ReplyDeleteThe unknown man in the picture of siblings was probably Martin Holland their brother. He passed about 1955
ReplyDeleteIt’s looks like I have a lot of cousins that I have not met. John and charity was my fourth grandparents as well. My dad Elmer holland was from Perry co, his dad was Buck hollon. He was sent to cadiz ky as a young child to a home. He mother Maggie hollon could not take care of them. My grandfather buck was shot and killed. I wish there was a hollon family gathering that we could all attend.
ReplyDeleteI’m a descendant of Mahalia Maynard. Thank you for this write up. I’ve been going crazy trying to figure out if Charity Brewer really is the mother since there’s so much conflicting information and not a lot of documentation about the first marriage or first child.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I’ve found a FamilyTree DNA page that shows Maines and Maynard are somehow variations of the same name (likely because the family was illiterate and accents, so people would write whatever they heard as their name). So that explains the Maines and Maynard discrepancy.