Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wee Wees

So I guess you might be wondering what Wee Wees are, (I know that I was) ....they are in the cake category, of course!

I ran across this recipe in a book that was printed in the 1800's, for the benefit of the Confederate Relief Bazaar.

I noticed that the recipe didn't provide the temperature that the wee wees should be baked at.  I think it would depend on the size of the wee wees.  Here it says to bake for 20 minutes in Laplander pans.  If the pans are small, I say bake for 20 minutes at 350-400.  If the pans are large, I would recommend baking for 40 minutes at 350-400.

What is a Laplander pan?  Its a popover pan.  A popover pan resembles a muffin tin or pan, but it is made with deep, tapered cups with more space between them to promote proper air circulation and efficient baking.

I hope you have lots of fun with your Wee Wees!

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